
Showing posts from 2015

Have Too Many Sources or Too Many Displays in Your Video Distribution Network? Take A Look at The BL-32-32-MATRIX

If you've been trying to set up a video distribution network for a large sports bar, bowling alley, or other business that requires a high number of sources and monitors, you may have run into the problem of how to find an HDBaseT matrix with enough inputs and outputs. Most HDBaseT systems only allow up to eight sources to be distributed to eight monitors. If you have 15, 20, or even 30 sources and monitors, this kind of system won't work. One way to solve this problem would be to have multiple matrices in the system. But this would make the system very difficult to control. So what should you do? The BL-32-32-MATRIX may be exactly the solution you've been looking for. The BL-32-32-MATRIX is not an HDBaseT component. Instead, it uses ordinary HDMI cable to distribute up to 32 video sources to up to 32 different television monitors. Normally, the fact that this device uses HDMI instead of HDBaseT would be a drawback, since it would prevent the device f...

HDBaseT: Why It's A Better Option Than Coaxial for Your Home Theater

If you are thinking about installing a new home theater system, you may be wondering what the best means is for distributing video throughout your home. For this reason, this article compares the features and benefits of the two most popular distribution systems: HD Coaxial and HDBaseT. It also gives some reasons as to why we think HDBaseT is the best of the two options. HD Coaxial. In an HD Coaxial system, the various video sources (satellite receivers, cable boxes, blu-ray players, DVRs, etc.)   That are used in the house are placed into one location inside a single room. Each source is then connected to an RF Modulator, which is a device that takes the video signal from the source and encodes it into a particular channel to be broadcast through coaxial cable. A separate RF modulator must be used for each source that is connected to the system. After the signal goes through the modulator, it is connected to a "combiner", which combines the signals from all of ...